Friday, January 11, 2008

Army finds itself Not Guilty

Army throws out conviction of Abu Ghraib commander.

The US army has thrown out the conviction of the only officer court martialed in the Abu Ghraib scandal. Lt. Col. Steven Jordan, Commander of Abu Ghraib during the prisoner abuse exposure was instead given an administrative reprimand. Barring any new information, the decision means no officers or civilian leaders will be held criminally responsible for the prisoner abuse.

Now I'm for defending the troops... but this is getting a bit ridiculous. Now a full two years after those horrid pictures were released, just weeks after learning the CIA destroyed (some) of the tapings of interrogations there and the FBI releasing documents chronicling two dozen incidents, after this administration has overturned centuries of law (Habius Corpus) and ignored UN policy regarding torture and abuse, with NO convictions of any suspects to any plots on US soil and NO ability for detainees to have a fair trial or even free speech (Maher Arar)... , six months after another commander of Abu Ghraib, Col. Janis Karpinski, provided proof that Sec of State Donald Rumsfeld sanctioned torture under her watch to German Courts (cuz our wouldn't allow it)...

...the ARMY BRASS decides upon its own investigation, that its done no wrong and should exonerate everyone except the unfortunate ones caught on film at Abu Ghraib! ! ! ! !

Like that stupid banner ad on this site constantly says... HELLLLOOOO!!!! ? ? ? is anyone paying attention? So the actual troops following order... are in jail... but the ones GIVING the orders are free to move about the country... Rumsfeld... Cheney... Tenet... Ashcroft... and now all the way through the ranks up to the folks that were caught on camera... are okay in the eyes of THIS legal system???

I think it WELL PAST time for a change... don't you?

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