Thursday, November 09, 2006

I'm a Citizen, Reps read on

Ah yes and I was one too.... I voted for Bush in 2000. But if you take the time to really look into the Bush administration's motives, you'd see as many Americans are saying, that the policies and actions of Bush and his key advisors have led to nothing but corruption and destruction for the purpose of consolidating power to a few giants, and not the vast majority of American Citizens. This is not what Republicans, Conservatives or Morally Conscientious people stand for but with the power of several corrupt Industrial leaders in key sectors (energy, media, pharmaceutical, defense contracting and most important, Banking) this administration has been able to fool most Americans into thinking they have been Fiscally Conservative and Pro-America in their actions.

This administration and the 109th Congress, for those not paying attention, was neither Republican nor Democrat. Its corruption was unprecedented in modern history and it's sweeping mandates have led our nation into deep financial and moral debt while trickle-down tactics have given most of us the appearance of prosperity and righteousness... All this is being done by creating the largest debt in our nation's history and alienating us from more nations than in our 231 year history.

If you overdrew your credit card by $5,000,000,000 don't you think the bank might have cut you off? Not if the bank had something to gain by keeping you funded... So what this administration did was to reach out to everyone's greed... politicians, businessmen, contractors, lawyers, doctors, investors, and even you & me... They said here's $340 back from the government cuz we're cutting taxes... remember those checks? Then they gave out checks in the form of legislation to Congress... want to fund some pork in your State? no problem, belly up to the trough.... plenty of money for all.... just remember who gave you this when we call on you to pass some changes to our Constitution.

All that money they've been tossing round has made Americans forget our responsibility as Citizens in a democracy. We became preoccupied in other things, building a business, buying a house, participating in a multitude of diversionary spectacles like sports, entertainment, gambling, fashion, television, travel and investing.... each brought us comfort and the appearance of prosperity, but kept us from noticing what was happening to our government. Then 9/11 happened and our nation united against the terror of 9/11.... not the causes. Curious that we never really try to explain why Bin-Laden hated America? What, denied a VISA check card? Turned away at the Tilt-O-Whirl for height restrictions? Got a defective HamBurgular Action figure in his HappyMeal?

Regardless, we rallied together and listened to our leaders who pointed towards Bagdad and said... there, go get Saddham—er Afghanistan and Bin-Laden... Now with our nation seriously committed to a war on Terror, we feel obligated destroy sovereign nations, their leaders and their citizens in the name of Democracy. (thats called a Crusade)

Okay, which part of fiscal or conservative, or moral, or ethical, or family value, or business sense, or patriotic, or Constitutional does this direction from the Bush Administration take from the platform of the Republican Party? So you see, regardless of who controls the 110th Congress, what I celebrate is that Democracy has won the day, perhaps the new blood will bring about a higher appreciation to the fundamental principles our nation was founded on just a mere 231 years ago.

I believe in the same principles as you, I want a fair chance to make my own destiny in a nation that tries to treat all it's citizens with respect and dignity. I realize there is an obligation and responsibility I bear as citizen within this nation and I'm willing to make sacrifices to maintain the principles that founded it. I believe in upholding the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and will abide by rule of law - so long as it is just and equitable.

But I also recognize my role and responsibility to question the rules or rulers if i feel they do not live up to the founding principles of our nation. That is our duty. That is the thread the weaves together our Flag, a patchwork of diversity that this nation was founded upon.

We've been lacking as a nation of citizens, in our duties and obligations to hold our leadership accountable. I'm happy that Tuesday, Americans came out in large numbers and did their job. They stopped / or at least slowed an agenda that has disenfranchised our nation and its citizens from the very bounty that is ours— Life Liberty and Justice.

I will be as critical of the 110th Congress and no less vocal if they do not uphold the standards of our Republic. I apologize for the length of this reply but it is important to me that you understand where I'm coming from. I think we're more alike than different.


just a citizen....

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