Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Rambo Coast Guards!

News broke of a story today that the Coast Guard has been quietly preparing for creating 34 live-weapon shooting zones along the coastlines of the Great Lakes without public participation!

Seems they plan to replace life rafts with 50cal machine guns on our Coast Guard cutters and helicopters as their mission under the Bush administration (and the post-9/11 era) has transformed from one of search and rescue to hunt and kill. After all, we all know Canadian terrorists, like AlQaeda, hate our freedom and wish to harm our boaters and beachgoers.

This negates a 200 year old treaty with Canada raising tension with our neighbor to the north and puts boaters and citizens in harms way. Is this the "New American Century" you voted for in 2000 and 2004?

Here the red areas denote where live-fire exercizes are to be held throughout the year. Citizens are somehow going to be notified to avoid these areas while or brave lifeguards learn how to use eco-friendly hot lead to "save" victims.

Now our Coast Guard most often thought of as lifeguards with serious toys.... David Hasselhofs with a flying "Kits" are being trained to be executioners from the skies! The NeoCon global war on terror has come home and lets hope they never have orders to shoot civilians.... but how far away are we from that???

Particularly if you pay attention to the immigration strategy the Bush Administration is executing... Do you know who is and who is not an American? These days the definition is under debate. During Rumsfeld's 2005 BRAC Plan (Base Re Alignment and Closure) hundreds of military bases are being disarmed and/or closed... oddly too, they seem to be the ones concentrated closer to urban centers -typically in Blue States. While this may not seem important, think of the job loss and economic trouble closings of this magnitude bring... and oddly, all the Bases being fortified are in Red States bringing jobs and further partisan afiliation by constituants.

Now understand too, many of these closed bases have plans to convert them to prisons and detention centers.... by Halliburton subsidiary KBR(Kellogg Brown and Root) who won no-bid contracts from Homeland Security worth millions. So gigantic prisons are being built outside urban population centers whos lower income citizens will suffer most by the loss of jobs related to the military.. not many rich kids are in the army... But when poor people don't have jobs, they usually get into trouble don't they?

Here's the deal, Bush alienates and impoverish's Blue State urban centers, imprisons blue voters as they become further economically strapped, enriches and alligns red state support and moves weapons away from citizens, concentrating them in privatized bunkers in only a few locations in the country. Gee, if the citizens ever felt a need to rise up against a tyrannical leader, they'd have no means to do it now wouldn't they? And now the Coast Guard would be waiting at the shoreline to gundown these citizen terrorists... hmm go George!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thankfully thousnads of people responded and called this plan to the mat. Homeland Security and the Coast Guard was forced to close the issue and return to being a life saving operation not another paramilitary wing. Citizens won this battle!