Monday, January 29, 2007

Troop Scourge

pResident Bush called for a troop escalation to "stop the sectarian violence" in Iraq. Does anyone but he, Cheney and their newest yes-man Col David Petraeus see the truth here? These troops are not going to do anything but kill and die in what may be our worst urban battle to date. Todays new recruits are in such demand they are only given two-weeks basic training before being dropped in hostile territory with live muntions and an adversary they can neither speak to nor understand, let alone recognize. Patraeus wrote the new counterinsergency field manual which defines new rules granted in the controversial 2006 Military Commissions Act, ignoring the Geneva Convention and Human rights, advocating torture and ignoring Habeous Corpus-the right to a fair trial. Recently while testifying before Congress, he boldly stated it was his opinion that Congress could do nothing to stop the pResident from funding any troop action. Does anyone comprehend these facts? Do our citizens? Certainly the media chooses not to report this reality I watched it on C-Span, but our soldiers will certainly wish we did.

Bush also restated the objectives of kill or capture any potential terrorists as part of the new Patraeus policy. It doesn't take much more than a four year old to figure that if a soldier cannot understand an Iraqi, or talk to them, they will simply kill them rather than risk their own life. So what pResident Bush is really saying is "I don't want to leave Iraq because I have my reasons, so its open season on all brown people till we show progress, or something really bad happens and the US citizens rally behind me again."

If you haven't noticed, the "something bad happens" is the real reason why Bush sent only 21,500 troops with targets on their backs, they are a distraction... its Iran. He is going to provoke or fabricate a reason to attack and it will immediately lead to airstrikes in Tehran and military action to stabilize their resources and topple their leadership. And with our strained ground forces, will he use Nukes in Iran?

Did you notice who has replaced Marine Gen Abizaid, the former head of Central Command a ground troop expert, fluent in arabic languages and knowlegable in the regions history and economics? The bewildered Old Navy Admiral William Fallon, an aged, out of touch, self-professed outsider with no knowledge of the region, its needs or any language skills pertinent his command. The former head of the Pacific Command and first non-army commander of the ground operations brings with him two aircraft carrier groups and expertise in airstrikes to a command that is overwhelmingly a ground operation.

Hmmm, another of Bush's great ideas? Like attacking Iraq in the first place, or firing anyone who disagrees with his version of reality? Fallon asks us to wait a while for him to get his hands round the situation, He says he has no knowlege of Iran, Afganistan, Iraq or any of the components needed in CentComm or its additional responsibilities for drug control, rebuilding and that never-mentioned item, negotiations. He asks for time, just like Bush who asks for time for this next policy to take he's asked the last fifteen other "plans" and appointees.

Well the US soldiers don't have the luxury of waiting when thrown into battle, our citizens don't have the luxury of waiting while their nation slides further into debt, further into a divide between the haves and have-nots. And most importantly millions of Iranians don't have time while in the crosshairs of a nuke-happy war monger. What time does Bush want? Time for what to happen?

The Bush Administration is not listening to the peons who live in this country, it has much bigger aspirations, regieme change and the perminent restructure of the middle east with their partners making enough money to declare independence from the now debt-strapped United States.

Troop surge my arse, this is a troop scourge and it is an abomonation to our Constitution and founding fathers that we let a tyrannt wage global conquest with our tax dollars and our ignorant consent.

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